Available courses

Induction course for all participants working towards a CMI accredited qualification with Praestamus Ltd. 

Coaching is a transformative learning process which can enable individuals to achieve their full potential. This unit introduces the principles of professional coaching, including the similarities and differences with other methods of support and the rationale for its delivery. There is a focus on the roles and responsibilities within the coaching relationship, organisational, legal and ethical frameworks and quality assurance.

On successful completion of the unit, the Professional Coach will be equipped with an understanding of the processes for contracting, delivering, and managing coaching.

The ability to deliver high quality coaching is central to the role of the Professional Coach, regardless of whether they coach within their own organisation or as an external contractor. This unit focuses on the knowledge, skills, and behaviours required to coach in a manner that is engaging, builds trust, and supports the coachee to progress towards their goals.

The unit is designed to enable the Professional Coach to explore strategies for managing stakeholder relationships, communicating with impact, problem solving and decision making. It concludes by considering how the Professional Coach can be supported to optimise the effectiveness of their practice.

The Professional Coach must utilise their knowledge, skills and expertise when selecting and using strategies for the delivery of professional coaching. Choosing the best approach can be challenging. This unit introduces a wide range of strategies for delivering professional coaching. It also explores the influence of coachee’s values, behaviours and culture on their ability to engage with the coaching process.

On successful completion of the unit, the Professional Coach will be able to apply their understanding of approaches, models, tools and techniques to develop a strategy to respond to different needs and expectations of coachee’s.

The Professional Coach must be agile, skilled, knowledgeable and self-aware to deliver coaching successfully. The aim of this unit is for the Professional Coach to evidence their ability to deliver coaching that responds to coachee need in a real working environment.

The unit contains a blend of practical activities, including the preparation and delivery of coaching and participation in coaching supervision. The Professional Coach will reflect on the outcomes of their coaching practice. They will use the insight gained to create a professional development plan which will be instrumental in improving their coaching capability.

This course occurrence is for Nottingham College commencing on 5 October 2022.

This course occurrence is for Chelmsford College only.

This course occurrence is for Kirklees College only.

This course occurrence is for the following colleges:

South Essex College

Nottingham College

This course occurrence is for the following colleges:

John Leggott College, Scunthorpe

Newcastle 6th Form College and Newcastle College

Middlesbrough 6th Form College and Middlesbrough College

A site dedicated to providing useful coaching resources, reading and a community for sharing ideas between like-minded people.

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